Tower Hill is a dormant volcano in South West Victoria, on the lands of the Eastern Maar people. This area is known for its wild coastline and vast volcanic plains. Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve was declared Victoria's first National Park in 1892, and the iconic painting by Eugene von Guérard, 1855, was used to guide its re-planting in one of the earliest landscape restoration programs in Australia. The Tower Hill Series of paintings and prints captures the moods of this magnificent place at different times of day, and from locations around the caldera, including the Von Guérard lookout.
Please click on an image for full details of chosen artwork, size, year and finish.
The description of Ben’s 2020 ‘Tower Hill’ exhibition at Boom Gallery, Geelong, explains his fascination with this beautiful landscape:
‘Tower hill is such an awe-inspiring, ancient environment that changes constantly, depending on where you view it from and the weather conditions. The ever-changing influences of mist, light, wind and rain are dramatic and impact the landscape and the viewer’s psyche. Sublime visions can be had, as micro-systems of sunshine and squall flow through and over the caldera, rendering each aspect of the panorama differently. It conjures the mystique and heals the spirit. I love having this landscape in my backyard.’